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作者:admin 发表于2022-01-24 11:19 阅读(0)


原创 秦叁  夜事 
天太冷了然后开始下起雨来当我距离公寓一步之遥的时候,所以我决定去吃点什么暖和的。立刻,太冷了,又很饿。这家餐厅是意大利人开的我猜,它的首字母是“Ciao”,“Ciao Sorrento”。再见索伦托,一个意大利地名。
It was very cold and then began to rain when I was only one stone’s throw from my apartment, so I decided to eat something hot immediately and then I went into a restaurant. 
I guess it’s an Italian restaurant because the first word of this restaurant's name was"ciao"," Ciao Sorrento", goodby Sorrento. An Italian place name.
Its space was not big. There were about 8 to 9 tables only, but when I went into I feel warm immediately. The feeling not only came from temperature but also came from the atmosphere. Well, the lamplight was yellowish dim, music was downy, the candle flame on the table was shaken gently, the distance between the tables was not so great, but the whispers from each table did not travel to the other. Everything is just right.
This is a vegan restaurant, and before my food arrives, I look at the Italian graffiti on the walls: white vacation house, blue sea. The first one was a very sour vegetable soup, which had a lot of ingredients in it, and it was very rotten, because it was hot enough, and I almost drank it all. I believe that people's appetite is developed from childhood, I am a strict northern appetite, no matter where I go, I love to eat porridge, all kinds of porridge. Next to me were two old ladies, I thought they were sisters or friends.
After dinner, they walked out of the restaurant shoulder by shoulder. The rain was still down, I saw them walking across the street and saw the clock at the top of the church pointing at 20:30.
It was still bright but the pedestrians on the road were fewer and fewer.(End)
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