“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”
— Mark Twain, Writer
「距现在二十年后,你没做过的事将比你做过的事,更令你感到失望。因此抛开称人结,驶离安全的港口,在帆上抓住信风。探索,梦想,发现。」– 马克‧吐温 (作家)
“disappointed by…” 是「因… 而失望」,这句话在比较两件事:”the things that you didn’t do” 及 “the ones you did do”;”ones” 是代表 “things”,而 “did” 是在强调 “有做” 的意思。”bowline” 是「称人结」,一种古老简单的固定绳圈。”sail” 当动词用是「航行」,当名词用是「帆」的意思。”trade wind” 是「信风」。
马克‧吐温 (1835-1910) 为美国作家及幽默家,其最有名的著作是 The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (汤姆历险记) 及它的续集 Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (顽童历险记),后者因完美的描述美国文化而被列为 “the Great American Novel”。