唐代诗人: 白居易 王勃 王维 孟浩然 李白 杜甫 李商隐 | 宋代诗人: 辛弃疾 苏轼 柳永 李清照 王安石 欧阳修 | 清代诗人: 龚自珍 曹雪芹 钱谦益 纳兰性德 王国维


Ruan Lang Gui
Yan Jidao

In the sky-kissing palm
Autumnal dew has turned to frost.
The clouds send off the wild geese
That in a symbolic array fly.
Green wine and red sleeves invite the ninth moon ninth,
Things here differ little from my home town.

I wear purple orchids in my dress,
I pin yellow chrysanthemums on my hair:
To old wantonness free rein I give.
Sadness I will change for drunkenness;
When I sing, let not sad songs
Lacerate my heart.


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