唐代诗人: 白居易 王勃 王维 孟浩然 李白 杜甫 李商隐 | 宋代诗人: 辛弃疾 苏轼 柳永 李清照 王安石 欧阳修 | 清代诗人: 龚自珍 曹雪芹 钱谦益 纳兰性德 王国维


This old man is wild with adolescent bravado,
A leashed brown dog in the left hand,
And an eagle perched on the right.
Fitted out with brocade headgears and fur,
A legion of a thousand horses sweeping over rolling plains.
Get the whole city out in the wake of Gov’nor
To watch him shoot tigers,
A young Sun Lang.

Flushed with wine and chest bared in an expansive mood,
What does it matter
If only a little sideburn frost!
The imperial fiat at Yunzhong,
When would it be dispatched by my Feng Tang?
And I would draw the sculpted bow to a full moon,
With a northwest gaze,
To shoot the Celestial Wolf.
So,I want to follow our country



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